Dear family, 12-22-10
I´m upset no one wrote me any emails or anything and I even told you when my p-day was. :-( and its right before Christmas. That’s ok though I better hear from you next week. If I don´t I´ll just stop writing :-). Abby wrote me though because she loves me. lol. (we did write it was just that he wrote at like 6:00 am and we wrote at like 8:00 am.)
So anyway it’s so awesome here, it’s a whole different feel then the other MTC where it’s stricter in some senses but not in others; like we have 1 hr. for breakfast and 1 hr. for lunch then 45 mins. For dinner, and after we eat we can go out and play like either fúsbol(fútbolita), or ping pong, or this weird tossing coins game. and it’s just a little more relaxed in a sense that it’s not so tightly wound but then we have class all day and TRC(teaching reasures center) everyday where as in Provo you do it once a week. Its just you practice teaching to a teacher, me and my companion taught yesterday and we did a really good job. I got us in the door by testifying, I didn´t know everything my companion said but I just started testifying and it got us in the door and we really got to know him and gain his confidence, that’s what they are really trying to focus on, gaining the confidence of the investigator then they will want to listen when you begin teaching. My Spanish is getting so much better, since we all have latino compañeros my compañero´s name is Elder Girón, from Columbia is 24 and his brother is here as well who is 19, so that’s cool. They get to serve at the same time. He doesn´t know any English and so I am forced to speak Spanish and its so good. Oh and our teaching don´t speak any English to us either I love it. I´m getting so much more comfortable with Spanish now, I´m not super good at saying everything I want but I´m getting better.
So we get to play soccer everyday for an hour and it’s so fun! The last 2 days we played Latinos vs. Americans and we beat them 6-4 then we tied yesterday 3-3 but we aren´t doing that again it got way to intense and its like it was win or die so we don´t want to build a wall between us.
The food is so good here! The first day I ate before sending my email home and I didn´t like that meal but I have loved almost everything since that meal. -and rice rice rice is what they give you. I have probably had like 2 meals without rice since I’ve been here, so you won´t have a problem anymore with me not eating rice. ;-). I just don´t bother to ask what anything is so I just don´t know. I don´t like that fruit that they serve with it though it’s weird, but that’s the only thing.
I´m loving it here it’s probably in the mid 70´s nice little breeze always rolling through and the sky is always gray (probably pollution) but it’s amazing here. I love it. I can´t believe it’s almost Christmas that feels so weird, I´m excited everyone gets to be home though and have fun with their families. Just remember why we truly have Christmas it’s not about the gifts we give or receive but about heavenly father’s gift to us! His son who atoned for every single one us that we can make it back to our father in heaven again. And I know that’s it is true and I know that Jesus Christ lives.
Love you all,
-Elder Corbett
p.s. Don´t send any packages till I´m out in the field because if they hold it back at the post office here they don´t go and get it because you have to bribe like a bunch of people for it. but like 2 weeks before I get in the field you can send something there and my mail leaves on Mondays takes 2 days to get to get to SLC and then they send it out from there. Oh and I´m going to be in here for 6 weeks and just can´t wait for all the cool things I´m going to do here. ;-)
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