After so long with a companion you become them!! lol
Dear Family and Friends, 6-6-2011
Ok thanks for the great news about the bishopric and you know I do want to say something when you guys were saying dad was going to be bishop in my mind I felt no its not him, and I thought about Bishop Padilla as the bishop and I thought he would be a great bishop. I know your all going to say how stupid that sounds that I felt he would be bishop but I KNEW!!!! from 20,000 miles away!! That’s really awesome I can`t wait to come home now and see them, I`m honestly not surprised one bit. That’s awesome that dad is the 2nd counselor, he`ll be great and I really wish I was there now. I loved Bishop Goodfellow he was the best, really, good old tenderfoot! It’s crazy I feel like he will now be my bishop of my youth years that I will never forget and all the things he helped me with through the years and working with him!! As well about talking about the wards I`m forgetting names, if in 17 months when I’m back and don`t remember your name please don`t be mad because I`ve been hearing and trying to write Peruvian names for 2 years!! Lol Like I was trying to tell my companion about a large group date we had a long time again and I couldn`t remember, to save my life, Katelyn and Amber name it took me 15 mins. just thinking trying to remember. I`m sorry but I guess that’s what happens when you serve with all your heart, might, mind, and strength.
Ok a story now, We went to a recent converts house the other day and we asked if he was there and he wasn`t and someone we had never met answered the door and we were asking them who they were and seeing if they want to listen to us right, but when my companion (elder Lopez) started to introduce himself he said Oh and my name is Elder no I mean Lopez!! and after we laughed for like 10 mins straight and couldn`t stop, it was so funny, I guess after 3 months with someone that is always right next to you, you take on their name. Haha it was the best. Oh as well yesterday we didn`t get to work because of elections and so I got to rest and study and we played some games but it was great and relaxing yesterday.
This week has been pretty normal we finally got this one sister to commit to baptism, WAHOO so right now we 4 people with baptismal dates and 2 this sat. Yesi (said like Jessie) and Antonio! they are so awesome but this one sister that excepted has been through everything I thought she was never going to get baptized because she had problems with smoking with drinking and other things and she did get really sick and after has turned a complete 180 and has stopped all of it and you can see a difference. All of her children are baptized and none of the fathers live with them but in this past 2 weeks I have begun to see a change in this home and its just wonderful!
Well anyway next time there is a change in the bishopric or something else big let me know and put two hands up in there air for the sustaining, one for you and one for me!!! :-)
Love you all and really glad to hear from all of you this week!!
Con mucho amor, abrazos, y besos!
Elder Carson Corbett
p.s. mom no I haven`t got it yet but in time!
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