Dear Family and Friends, 8-15-11
This week has been really ridiculous and I was hoping that today I would get something from you guys to distract me a little but since everyone forgot about me but that is ok. :-( (Slothful family :( )Well next week is transfers again and I don`t know if I want to leave but we will see. I think I`m going to get kicked out of here finally but I don`t want to go because I want to see three people progress. I may really be sad when I finally change areas finally, but I may like it as well. This week I`ve been super stressed with my area, my district, and lots of activities and services. It’s been a challenge but also great. I`ll have a lot of stories to tell you guys when I get home but for now you`ll just have to wait to hear some. I gave another talk in sacrament meeting, this was my 5th time giving a talk in sacrament meeting here and I tried to drill into the heads of my members the importance of reading the Book of Mormon. It was pretty good! They were nice and roasted! I don`t have any baptismal dates right now. Probably the first time in 4 months I haven`t had one that wasn`t sure but we have right now 3 that just need to make the decision sure for a date. I don`t want to leave to see one of them progress. but the other two missionaries in my ward have 8 baptisms this sat. One family of 4 that I taught and found when I was in the area, I think I`m going to baptize one of them. And then another family of 3 that I contacted in my area and was super interested but in the other half and so it’s cool to see how I can help even if I`m not the one that taught them all of it. And then another guy that it really cool but I don`t know very well. So this is going to be a good week for our ward and hope lots of members come but we`ll see.
Ummm....besides that its been a little up and down this week I`m still reading in the Book of Mormon and just loving it. There are so many things I didn`t understand about the stories, doctrine, and the truth that the Book of Mormon has. If you aren`t reading the Book of Mormon grab it and read it. You will never regret it!
So my thought for the week was this. When I was talking to a family (members) yesterday we were talking about going on missions and they have one son on a mission and the other 3 older children, daughter of 20, sons of 19 and 17 are all preparing for missions and this thought came to my mind. "It’s not the missionaries that come to your door that make the difference, it’s the message that they carry. If they aren`t living up to their message who is going to believe?" I thought about that and just how you can apply that to all members that if you aren`t living up to this gospel and want to share it with others, people won’t believe you. If you are living up the message people will believe you and will feel it!! Anyway something to think about!
Love you all and take care,
Elder Carson Corbett
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