Saturday, January 21, 2012

Me encanta "Canta"

Dear Family and Friends, 12-5-11

I`m pretty tired right now but this week was a good week. We have
had 3 weeks back to back with Baptisms and all three are doing great.
We are working hard but the near future we have a lot of work to do.
But I just want to let you know today was a wonderful day. You are all
so LUCKY! I have a new appreciation for nature. We went to a place up
in the mountains called “Canta” Its green, fresh, and there are rivers
and waterfalls. We had a wonderful time and I enjoyed the fresh air.
I didn`t realize how contaminated this air is right now lol. You are
all so lucky that you can see this beautiful view when you leave your
house everyday. My entire mission, where we can serve (because canta
is part of the mission), is all sand, rocks, and dust. Its going to be
very interesting coming home. But I have a rejuvenated spirit,
sometime I think if we are doing the same thing, the same routine for
so long and don`t get out it wears on you. Now I feel rejuvenated and
ready! Appreciate the Nature God has given you, not everyone has that
opportunity, and it was raining a little. I got some little souvenirs
and things to remember it.
I hope you are all doing great, I don`t have a lot of time to
write because its late in the day and I got to get to work but I want to
thank you all for you support. Even if it’s just remember me for moment
in your week. Give great big thanks to the Mia maids for the
letters, I really loved them. And thanks a Bishop Goodfellow for his
letter. I didn`t get to see all the translated Christmas Fireside but
I did love what Pres. Uchtdorf said “You can`t destroy Christmas with
fire” We destroy Christmas with our thoughts. Remember when you want
to remember this season of Christmas, Sing a song, Read a Scripture,
and show people you love them.
I love you all,
Elder Corbett

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