Dear Family, 3-19-12
Well its been a busy week with lots of work and little results like
usual, but we keep pressing on. We had did a "week of perfection",
the Zone Leaders told me which is work pretty much our tails off to reach and
achieve all of the goals of excellence. Well we didn´t meet them all but we did
work super hard this week, every single one of us. We had this week a remarkable
14 new investigators who we are going to be working with the
upcoming weeks. (well my companion will be working with
But my time has come a little to an end here en La Alborada after working a
hard 6 months in the area. We have found and help 6 people come unto Christ
here in this ward and be baptized and confirmed member of the Church. It’s been
a wonderful journey here and I love all the things I´ve learned, I´ve learned
tons about Humility and just how to stay focus and through the challenges, keep
working. This is going to be a wonderful lesson for the future.

the news every ones been waiting for, haha I´m going to SAN DIEGO!!! WAHOO!
haha well in the Zone: Prolima, area: San Diego as Zone Leader! I don´t know
what to tell president, I´m excited and ready to work even harder and this
means time is just going to fly even faster!! I can´t believe it, as Zone
Leader, but I´ve been working real hard as a district leader so I feel pretty
prepared. In the Zone there are only 14 missionaries so that's a lot better than
the 20 that are in this zone. It’s a good area, well from what I´ve heard and
the sister gives good food but they tell me I´m going to get fat there so I
sure hope not! My companion is going to be Elder Zeas, who is from Nicaragua.
I´m honestly super excited and want to give it my all. I know the people we
serve will be blessed and I will continue to be blessed too. I really do love
the people here in Perú that why I keep knocking on their doors even if I´ve
talked to them 50 times before. There is no other work like missionary work on
the face of the earth. I love this with all my heart and when I think about
when I go home, a lot of times I don´t want to go because I love working so
hard and feeling good at the end of the day!
Well I
love you all and I´ll be working hard in Prolima with my new companion and with
my new Zone so keep me in your prayers and I´ll keep praying for all of you!
With tons of love,
Elder Corbett
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