Family, 7-23-12
start off last week in central Lima, I had a blast! Everything there was super
expensive because it’s a tourist spot and so I didn´t buy that much, I just
bought a new Josh Groban CD that I think came out last year that was real
cheap! But we went bowling, I bowled really bad at first- 79 but then got a
109. It was fun and right on the beach so it had a good look out of the
beach...but sadly even the beach is a little ugly here. Lots of
"Gringos" came up and talked to me, there were these two ladies that
were from Virginia (closer to DC then we live), I told them I´d been by their
house a lot going into DC. It was interesting, I also heard a bad word and I
just started laughing because I hadn´t heard those words in a long time. It was
very funny!
Well everything
is going great, but I´m very excited right now for a lot of things. We knew we
were going to learn about transfers today and this whole week me and my
companion were anticipating the we would just stay together as zone leaders and
everything would be cool, but we received a call last was the
assistants. They asked for my companion asked how everything was going, and
then told him that he was the new assistant!! How crazy is that! I had a blast
with Elder Guerrero, and he is a good guy and I´m excited he will be the
assistant, but that leaves me without a companion. I was very worried last
night about who it would be and I couldn´t sleep that well...very easy to get
up at 6:30 though. Now I´m so excited for my new companion, Elder Us from
Guatemala again. When I was district leader for the first time he was a brand
new missionary and I love that kid, he´s short but powerful. I even did a work
visit with him and so I have worked with him before and it’s always a really
good time when we got back together. So it will be cool being his companion,
but he has never been zone leader that puts me training him as zone
leader. I have to guide the whole zone with him and the president has put a lot
of trust in me for that. I´m excited for my companion now and my next companion
tomorrow. It’s going to be sweet!!
the area we a young man that’s been going to seminary and his mom that are
going to be baptized this Wednesday!! I’m excited and David (the young man)
went to the skate scripture mastery contests last Saturday and took 2nd place! That’s
a good convert, but I didn´t do anything he learned a lot at seminary and they
feel the spirit very strongly, and so they except the gospel very easily and
see how it will bless their lives. They are very humble too!! We as well have a
lot of other that can progress this month and our zone can do a lot of good!!
I love
you guys and am glad you all had a good vacation, and good Youth
Conference...even through the problems! I love this gospel and I know it’s true
and that every sacrifice to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ is worth it!
Love you all,
Elder Corbett
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